Saturday, August 30
Sianz nothing to do. I got a headache so don't feel like reading the books I borrowed today.
This afternoon Chris and I went with my grandma to the supermarket at Great World. Lol. We bought A LOT of fish and ham! zzz duno can eat finish by the expiry date anot. Chris bought lamb chops to make for me. haha. His culinary skill expert one.
I was running late to meet Belle at one bus stop so I just took a cab down from home. Even though take cab also can get lost -.- the driver didnt drop me off at the library, instead just told me that he already overshot the library. Its at the opposite direction of where he said it was! That pabo guy.
Met up with Belle! Lol so long never see her le lor but she never change hahaz. She borrowed her books in 2 mins -.- while I hadn't even warmed up to looking for good books.
Belle u know the big and thick book of short thriller stories by famous writers? I didn't like it =/ after the first story I was like, wth thats it? After reading the second story I gave up. I liked books where the plot thickens as you read on.
The books I borrowed were quite thick; I'm unsure if I can finish by 3 weeks. And I forgot my school was starting! Crap I hope I'm able to meet the deadline.
Xiufeng is done with her exams =) we're gonna meet up soon.
This afternoon Chris and I went with my grandma to the supermarket at Great World. Lol. We bought A LOT of fish and ham! zzz duno can eat finish by the expiry date anot. Chris bought lamb chops to make for me. haha. His culinary skill expert one.
I was running late to meet Belle at one bus stop so I just took a cab down from home. Even though take cab also can get lost -.- the driver didnt drop me off at the library, instead just told me that he already overshot the library. Its at the opposite direction of where he said it was! That pabo guy.
Met up with Belle! Lol so long never see her le lor but she never change hahaz. She borrowed her books in 2 mins -.- while I hadn't even warmed up to looking for good books.
Belle u know the big and thick book of short thriller stories by famous writers? I didn't like it =/ after the first story I was like, wth thats it? After reading the second story I gave up. I liked books where the plot thickens as you read on.
The books I borrowed were quite thick; I'm unsure if I can finish by 3 weeks. And I forgot my school was starting! Crap I hope I'm able to meet the deadline.
Xiufeng is done with her exams =) we're gonna meet up soon.
michi ]|[ 19:59
Friday, August 29
Dinner yesterday was at Suntec's Kenny Rogers with Jon. He had the chicken and I had the ribs. I hadn't been to that restaurant before. I enjoyed the side dishes more than the main course though haha.
Chris called me before the dinner. This morning he told me that he was going to be back late. It always happens at the end of the month. But he called to say he had a headache and would stay home after army. Zzz. Everytime I go out with Jon he'll somehow or other be staying at home and not working. Such bad timing.
Jon and I walked around a little more before I headed home. He was playing game when I came back. He convinced me to play a round or two of a new game he downloaded. But after that I convinced him to shut down the computer and spend some quality time with me. We had a lot of fun. We joked about each other and ended up laughing till tears came out. After a while he got sleepy so I let him go to bed.
He gets like 3-4 hours sleep every night (except weekends) and just plays on the computer when he gets back. He complains of tiredness almost everyday. Sigh I feel so helpless because he's so tired but he still doesn't want to stop coming home after midnight! And then I pay for it. The time we could've spent together normally becomes impossible because he's asleep in 2 seconds (really, he falls asleep that fast).
I wanted to go to the library today. Ran out of books to read and I have a list of books I want to borrow. Sher wasn't free tomorrow so I thought I could go myself. Then who should call but Shumei! She so timely asked if I wanted to go out tomorrow. She wasn't keen on going to the library but she said ok. Then I checked my blog and Belle said she was going on Saturday and if I wanted to go too! I was amazed. From nothing to overflowing. God hadn't left me alone.
I took up Belle's offer because Shumei wanted to do simply too many things. Besides it would be a good chance to meet again. We're going tomorrow.
Back to today. Shumei wanted to visit Fairfield again because today is Teacher's Day. We went to Peninsula Plaza first because she left a bag of clothes there yesterday. The shop was closed till around 5pm so we had until then. After lunch at Pepper Lunch, we took a cab down to school.
To our dismay all the teachers had left for a celebratory lunch together -.- we decided not to go back at 3pm when the teachers would be back. We took a cab back down to bugis -.- waste of money when we were just in town!
We walked around Bugis Street. I did many girly things that I never would've done if I wasn't with such a girly girl like Shumei. I had my nails done -.- but it turned out quite nice. LOL. I wasn't used to it. She had both a medicure and pedicure. I still feel it was a waste of money.
We walked around Seiyu (or whatever) and I bought some stuff for both me and Chris. It was a necessary buy, thanks to Shumei for insisting that I should buy it xD
Spent a lot today. Nearly a hundred. Regret ~~
We had a light dinner at Mos Burger where Shumei had a little drama with her 'sis-in'law' on the phone regarding her boyfriend. Sigh ~~ relationships shouldn't be this complicated.
Actually Bryan and I had arranged to have dinner together at New York New York. I was craving the pasta Michael and I had that time =D ~~ In the end I decided to call it off because he would only eat at the outlet at AMK which is deathly far for me. He didn't have the car today anyway.
Went back to Peninsula Plaza to get her stuff, then went to sit down in Spinelli for a slice of cake. We took pictures too. Normally I wouldn't take any but I was with someone who loved taking photos. Will post here later.
I followed Shumei to the supermarket to buy some stuff then left for home.
I feel good. =) I do. I'm not hanging on Chris' every word, I'm not just constantly looking for new things to take up my time with. I'm going out, hanging with people I know and was once close to. At first I thought it'd be weird and awkward because we haven't seen each other in years. But it wasn't. I love every minute of spending time with Jon, Sher, Shumei. I'm really looking forward to seeing Belle and Xiufeng again.
Chris is glad. With other people I can spend time with, it takes the attention (and pressure) off him. But just hope to him it doesn't imply that he has more time to work. I have fun with other people but I still want to have fun with him. He's the most important anyway.

Chris called me before the dinner. This morning he told me that he was going to be back late. It always happens at the end of the month. But he called to say he had a headache and would stay home after army. Zzz. Everytime I go out with Jon he'll somehow or other be staying at home and not working. Such bad timing.
Jon and I walked around a little more before I headed home. He was playing game when I came back. He convinced me to play a round or two of a new game he downloaded. But after that I convinced him to shut down the computer and spend some quality time with me. We had a lot of fun. We joked about each other and ended up laughing till tears came out. After a while he got sleepy so I let him go to bed.
He gets like 3-4 hours sleep every night (except weekends) and just plays on the computer when he gets back. He complains of tiredness almost everyday. Sigh I feel so helpless because he's so tired but he still doesn't want to stop coming home after midnight! And then I pay for it. The time we could've spent together normally becomes impossible because he's asleep in 2 seconds (really, he falls asleep that fast).
I wanted to go to the library today. Ran out of books to read and I have a list of books I want to borrow. Sher wasn't free tomorrow so I thought I could go myself. Then who should call but Shumei! She so timely asked if I wanted to go out tomorrow. She wasn't keen on going to the library but she said ok. Then I checked my blog and Belle said she was going on Saturday and if I wanted to go too! I was amazed. From nothing to overflowing. God hadn't left me alone.
I took up Belle's offer because Shumei wanted to do simply too many things. Besides it would be a good chance to meet again. We're going tomorrow.
Back to today. Shumei wanted to visit Fairfield again because today is Teacher's Day. We went to Peninsula Plaza first because she left a bag of clothes there yesterday. The shop was closed till around 5pm so we had until then. After lunch at Pepper Lunch, we took a cab down to school.
To our dismay all the teachers had left for a celebratory lunch together -.- we decided not to go back at 3pm when the teachers would be back. We took a cab back down to bugis -.- waste of money when we were just in town!
We walked around Bugis Street. I did many girly things that I never would've done if I wasn't with such a girly girl like Shumei. I had my nails done -.- but it turned out quite nice. LOL. I wasn't used to it. She had both a medicure and pedicure. I still feel it was a waste of money.
We walked around Seiyu (or whatever) and I bought some stuff for both me and Chris. It was a necessary buy, thanks to Shumei for insisting that I should buy it xD
Spent a lot today. Nearly a hundred. Regret ~~
We had a light dinner at Mos Burger where Shumei had a little drama with her 'sis-in'law' on the phone regarding her boyfriend. Sigh ~~ relationships shouldn't be this complicated.
Actually Bryan and I had arranged to have dinner together at New York New York. I was craving the pasta Michael and I had that time =D ~~ In the end I decided to call it off because he would only eat at the outlet at AMK which is deathly far for me. He didn't have the car today anyway.
Went back to Peninsula Plaza to get her stuff, then went to sit down in Spinelli for a slice of cake. We took pictures too. Normally I wouldn't take any but I was with someone who loved taking photos. Will post here later.
I followed Shumei to the supermarket to buy some stuff then left for home.
I feel good. =) I do. I'm not hanging on Chris' every word, I'm not just constantly looking for new things to take up my time with. I'm going out, hanging with people I know and was once close to. At first I thought it'd be weird and awkward because we haven't seen each other in years. But it wasn't. I love every minute of spending time with Jon, Sher, Shumei. I'm really looking forward to seeing Belle and Xiufeng again.
Chris is glad. With other people I can spend time with, it takes the attention (and pressure) off him. But just hope to him it doesn't imply that he has more time to work. I have fun with other people but I still want to have fun with him. He's the most important anyway.

michi ]|[ 19:59
Wednesday, August 27
It's gotta be one of those nights. Well its the end of the month so can't really blame him...
I've picked up the book The Vision by Heather Graham today. It turned out to be a really interesting read. What caught my attention was that it was about diving. I only managed to stop because I received an sms by my darling sweetie. Sure enough it wasn't good news. Tilt T.T
I dropped the book Broken by Martina Cole because I couldn't bear to read past the first two chapters. They were all in British (or something) slang and I couldn't understand half of it.
I want to go library soon ~~ to pick up more books....hmmmm~~ who wants to go with me xD but I warn you first I will get pretty zoned out once I start looking thru books.....
I've picked up the book The Vision by Heather Graham today. It turned out to be a really interesting read. What caught my attention was that it was about diving. I only managed to stop because I received an sms by my darling sweetie. Sure enough it wasn't good news. Tilt T.T
I dropped the book Broken by Martina Cole because I couldn't bear to read past the first two chapters. They were all in British (or something) slang and I couldn't understand half of it.
I want to go library soon ~~ to pick up more books....hmmmm~~ who wants to go with me xD but I warn you first I will get pretty zoned out once I start looking thru books.....
michi ]|[ 22:51
Monday, August 25
Feeling: SIGH
Like above, SIGH.. Yesterday SUCKED...
He came back from his run at 12pm. Then he fell asleep until around 5pm. After which he took over the computer and I was so bored until I fell asleep. Then! I had to wake up at 8:45pm to catch the 9:15pm show of Meet Dave at Cineleisure.
After the movie we went home and soon it was midnight and it was a total waste of a day he saved for spending it with me! But that's not the worst part.
He knew I was keeping in touch with CC thru sms and sometimes calls. He went ballistic when I was sms-ing him (he was using the com and I had nothing to do) and started saying stuff like "can you stop sms-ing him!" and "I have a friend in M'sia too, why don't I keep sms-ing and calling her?!"
Wtf? I got so mad and I didnt know what else to do so I did the most horrible thing: I sms-ed him that I won't be able to contact him anymore.
My heart fell apart. I was so devastated because CC really is a good friend and he keeps me company when I'm alone and bored. Is there really a reason for Chris to overreact like that?? It's not like I was having an affair with him. *heart breaks once more*
The worst part is that CC understood...He just replied "kk..." and that was that.
Chris should be happy, not mad. I took his advice and started to see my old friends again. And made new ones too. He's always complaining about me not going out and meeting people. I've been seeing Jon, Sher and soon I'm going to meet Xiufeng and Belle. I'm getting myself out of the house and CC doesn't keep me focused on just waiting for Chris to come home. I feel happy with a friend like him and all the rest.
I feel so awful right now. Having a boyfriend shouldn't mean I can't keep in contact with CC. But that's that. He doesn't play Cabal anymore so I won't see him online. Perhaps joining CC's guild and making a good friend out of him was a mistake in the first place.
I just wish Chris wasn't so sensitive. Last time it was like he almost didn't care about me. Well I guess you can't have the best of both worlds.
Like above, SIGH.. Yesterday SUCKED...
He came back from his run at 12pm. Then he fell asleep until around 5pm. After which he took over the computer and I was so bored until I fell asleep. Then! I had to wake up at 8:45pm to catch the 9:15pm show of Meet Dave at Cineleisure.
After the movie we went home and soon it was midnight and it was a total waste of a day he saved for spending it with me! But that's not the worst part.
He knew I was keeping in touch with CC thru sms and sometimes calls. He went ballistic when I was sms-ing him (he was using the com and I had nothing to do) and started saying stuff like "can you stop sms-ing him!" and "I have a friend in M'sia too, why don't I keep sms-ing and calling her?!"
Wtf? I got so mad and I didnt know what else to do so I did the most horrible thing: I sms-ed him that I won't be able to contact him anymore.
My heart fell apart. I was so devastated because CC really is a good friend and he keeps me company when I'm alone and bored. Is there really a reason for Chris to overreact like that?? It's not like I was having an affair with him. *heart breaks once more*
The worst part is that CC understood...He just replied "kk..." and that was that.
Chris should be happy, not mad. I took his advice and started to see my old friends again. And made new ones too. He's always complaining about me not going out and meeting people. I've been seeing Jon, Sher and soon I'm going to meet Xiufeng and Belle. I'm getting myself out of the house and CC doesn't keep me focused on just waiting for Chris to come home. I feel happy with a friend like him and all the rest.
I feel so awful right now. Having a boyfriend shouldn't mean I can't keep in contact with CC. But that's that. He doesn't play Cabal anymore so I won't see him online. Perhaps joining CC's guild and making a good friend out of him was a mistake in the first place.
I just wish Chris wasn't so sensitive. Last time it was like he almost didn't care about me. Well I guess you can't have the best of both worlds.
michi ]|[ 13:24
Saturday, August 23
Chris just left for camp =( there's gonna be a marathon run tomorrow morning so he has to go camp to prepare everything before the run starts. His duty start at 4am but they got to be there at 2359 duno for what also waste their time -.- Zzz dun wan say more later get jailed for going against government =.=
He'll be back tomorrow at around 11am and he'll spend the whole day with me!!! Which is not much because he'll be hogging the good com. *sigh*
After he left I called CC but he didnt talk long cuz playing Dota -.-
I'm alone at home tonight! Well not really. The only others besides me are my grandparents n the maids. The lezbuff went to Bangkok with her gf (garrrh) this afternoon to find my mom. Dan is sleeping over at a friend's. What a night for everyone to be gone! But it's good practice for when they move out and Chris has his duty.
I'm so bored =( don't feel like sleeping cuz I'm hungry. Feel oddly alone though..Hope my grandma gets up soon if not I won't be able to sleep x(
Oooh oooh, I was fiddling around YouTube just now and I found a couple of vids that were ROFL-ingly hilarious! It's cabal based but you dont have to play cabal to understand it. It's really funny xD
It's a default dance that everyone has, and what kind of dance you get is random. If the girls dance the below its fine but for guys its just damn gay xD
Chris just left for camp =( there's gonna be a marathon run tomorrow morning so he has to go camp to prepare everything before the run starts. His duty start at 4am but they got to be there at 2359 duno for what also waste their time -.- Zzz dun wan say more later get jailed for going against government =.=
He'll be back tomorrow at around 11am and he'll spend the whole day with me!!! Which is not much because he'll be hogging the good com. *sigh*
After he left I called CC but he didnt talk long cuz playing Dota -.-
I'm alone at home tonight! Well not really. The only others besides me are my grandparents n the maids. The lezbuff went to Bangkok with her gf (garrrh) this afternoon to find my mom. Dan is sleeping over at a friend's. What a night for everyone to be gone! But it's good practice for when they move out and Chris has his duty.
I'm so bored =( don't feel like sleeping cuz I'm hungry. Feel oddly alone though..Hope my grandma gets up soon if not I won't be able to sleep x(
Oooh oooh, I was fiddling around YouTube just now and I found a couple of vids that were ROFL-ingly hilarious! It's cabal based but you dont have to play cabal to understand it. It's really funny xD
It's a default dance that everyone has, and what kind of dance you get is random. If the girls dance the below its fine but for guys its just damn gay xD
michi ]|[ 23:56
Hmm.. Its so late!! I didnt realise I was playing game till so late =D I went for a new dungeon in Cabal. Ran out of pots at the end and lost my way a lot! But luckily I finished it; items were a disappointment though. They werent any good. My hands are still shaking xD
Okay okay I will continue talking about Cabal for the whole night if I dont stop now.
Sher came over! She had her last paper today so she brought her laptop and accompanied me! It's been so long since I saw her ~~ hmm *musing* 3 years?? Yeah I think so.. (geez I need to tone down my mood. Happy since I saw Sher after so long and I managed to complete the dungeon! My character's supposedly awful at dungeon since low HP and def)
Arrr.... She came over around 5? 4 or 5. then we chatted about normal stuff and I showed her a little of Cabal. She used her laptop and we spent most of the time just doing our own stuff. Even thought we really didnt talk much it seems like we've exchanged thousands of sentences just by sitting there!
Hmm~ We got hungry after a bit.. Then went to The Pasta Shop for lunch. I had wanted to eat pasta with basil sauce since I havent tried it before. Its good but its garlicky. I had to drink lots of water to flush the taste down. I want to try all the different sauces from that place =) Jon will help me HAHA.
Expensive though! This time, without the set meal, we paid double of what Jon and I paid when we went there. Zzz.... No set meal thats why. I think the promotion's over. It got pretty expensive.
Well... We came back, used the computer some more and to my surprise Chris came back earlier than usual because he wasn't feeling well. It's good and bad I suppose. Sher told me to focus on the good part xD but all he did when he came back is sleep =( oh well poor boy needs to rest after drinking so much protein. Lol insider joke xD
She left at 2330 and I went back to my dungeon. Before that I gave CC a call because he wasn't online and I needed to give him something. The call lasted quite long; does anyone know the calling rate from here to Malaysia? I'm gonna hate it when the bill comes.
All in all today was a fantastic day. Everything went so well. Feel so tired but dont feel like hitting the sack. Well not yet.
I'm glad I managed to spent time with Sher. Now it seems that losing those 3 years wasn't so bad because at least we're making up for it.
Again no pictures! Sorry!
I feel much much happier than before. Thanks all you guys. You made my life more meaningful. Wish and hope to spend lots and lots of quality time with you in future =D
Okay okay I will continue talking about Cabal for the whole night if I dont stop now.
Sher came over! She had her last paper today so she brought her laptop and accompanied me! It's been so long since I saw her ~~ hmm *musing* 3 years?? Yeah I think so.. (geez I need to tone down my mood. Happy since I saw Sher after so long and I managed to complete the dungeon! My character's supposedly awful at dungeon since low HP and def)
Arrr.... She came over around 5? 4 or 5. then we chatted about normal stuff and I showed her a little of Cabal. She used her laptop and we spent most of the time just doing our own stuff. Even thought we really didnt talk much it seems like we've exchanged thousands of sentences just by sitting there!
Hmm~ We got hungry after a bit.. Then went to The Pasta Shop for lunch. I had wanted to eat pasta with basil sauce since I havent tried it before. Its good but its garlicky. I had to drink lots of water to flush the taste down. I want to try all the different sauces from that place =) Jon will help me HAHA.
Expensive though! This time, without the set meal, we paid double of what Jon and I paid when we went there. Zzz.... No set meal thats why. I think the promotion's over. It got pretty expensive.
Well... We came back, used the computer some more and to my surprise Chris came back earlier than usual because he wasn't feeling well. It's good and bad I suppose. Sher told me to focus on the good part xD but all he did when he came back is sleep =( oh well poor boy needs to rest after drinking so much protein. Lol insider joke xD
She left at 2330 and I went back to my dungeon. Before that I gave CC a call because he wasn't online and I needed to give him something. The call lasted quite long; does anyone know the calling rate from here to Malaysia? I'm gonna hate it when the bill comes.
All in all today was a fantastic day. Everything went so well. Feel so tired but dont feel like hitting the sack. Well not yet.
I'm glad I managed to spent time with Sher. Now it seems that losing those 3 years wasn't so bad because at least we're making up for it.
Again no pictures! Sorry!
I feel much much happier than before. Thanks all you guys. You made my life more meaningful. Wish and hope to spend lots and lots of quality time with you in future =D
michi ]|[ 02:22
Wednesday, August 20
Currently: Reading The Saga of Darren Shan, Vampire Blood Trilogy
I met Jon for lunch today. I was broke so he treated!! =D I felt like korean food so we went to Seoul Yummy at Novena Square 2. It's an affordable korean place that Chris and I frequented when we had the time. We had the potato pancake, kimchi soup and bbq beef. YUM. The potato was excellent.
I ate so much because Jon kept filling my empty bowl with food. Then he nagged about me being flabby -.- Yeesh I have to work out alr.
We walked around and I bought the book mentioned above at MPH. Bring on the vampire novels! =D thanks to the Twilight series. But the Twilight series is a much better read than what I just bought.
Chris just came home. He's in a grumpy mood because he got stood up for 2 hours, his just-received phone bill charged more than he'd used and the company isn't picking up his call. He was also grumbling about being stood up for something important (work-related) because the person he was supposed to meet was caught up with girlfriend issues. He was mumbling things along the line of him never letting girlfriend issues stand in the way of his work. He'd push his girlfriend away no matter what the problem is for his work. Of course I just kept quiet -.- he has enough problems already. I'm just grateful he's home.
Maybe will meet Sher tomorrow. We suddenly got in contact again a few days ago after such a loooooong looooooong time! I was figuring out a way how to get her number or her blog link when she just sms-ed me out of the blue! God is still looking after me. I can feel it.
It feels good to be back in touch with old friends. It takes me away from wallowing by myself at home and doing nothing just waiting for the love of my life to come home. I've never felt better in a loooong time.
I met Jon for lunch today. I was broke so he treated!! =D I felt like korean food so we went to Seoul Yummy at Novena Square 2. It's an affordable korean place that Chris and I frequented when we had the time. We had the potato pancake, kimchi soup and bbq beef. YUM. The potato was excellent.
I ate so much because Jon kept filling my empty bowl with food. Then he nagged about me being flabby -.- Yeesh I have to work out alr.
We walked around and I bought the book mentioned above at MPH. Bring on the vampire novels! =D thanks to the Twilight series. But the Twilight series is a much better read than what I just bought.
Chris just came home. He's in a grumpy mood because he got stood up for 2 hours, his just-received phone bill charged more than he'd used and the company isn't picking up his call. He was also grumbling about being stood up for something important (work-related) because the person he was supposed to meet was caught up with girlfriend issues. He was mumbling things along the line of him never letting girlfriend issues stand in the way of his work. He'd push his girlfriend away no matter what the problem is for his work. Of course I just kept quiet -.- he has enough problems already. I'm just grateful he's home.
Maybe will meet Sher tomorrow. We suddenly got in contact again a few days ago after such a loooooong looooooong time! I was figuring out a way how to get her number or her blog link when she just sms-ed me out of the blue! God is still looking after me. I can feel it.
It feels good to be back in touch with old friends. It takes me away from wallowing by myself at home and doing nothing just waiting for the love of my life to come home. I've never felt better in a loooong time.
michi ]|[ 20:25
Sunday, August 17
Okay I've deleted the previous post. I was embarrassingly emo yesterday. Emotions got the better of me. Never seem to control my emotions well. I'm still lucky he hasn't took off yet. Moved away in the middle of the night or something. Perhaps any other guy would. LOL.. Thank God for him.
Was on the phone with CC then with Jonathan. Jonathan helped me calm down and showed me that there was no point in all that fuss. Chris can tahan me, but Jonathan has a way of making me listen. And I do. Well most of the time. Sheesh. Need to go for anger management xD
Met Jason again this morning. Talked awhile then he left. Chris spent a little time with me in the afternoon then went to watch a movie with one of his friends.
Hate playing game in the dark. Faster move la. Give me back my room.
Was on the phone with CC then with Jonathan. Jonathan helped me calm down and showed me that there was no point in all that fuss. Chris can tahan me, but Jonathan has a way of making me listen. And I do. Well most of the time. Sheesh. Need to go for anger management xD
Met Jason again this morning. Talked awhile then he left. Chris spent a little time with me in the afternoon then went to watch a movie with one of his friends.
Hate playing game in the dark. Faster move la. Give me back my room.
michi ]|[ 00:11
Friday, August 15
Met Jon again! For lunch at Tiong.
We went to The Pasta Shop there at the extension. We had the set lunch but everything looked so appetizing. We were caught between the soft shell, the seafood and erm something else. Lol. So obviously we had the first two and we shared half half. Both was good.
After much fighting I managed to foot the bill =)
Came back early for Chris cuz he had half day today.
I didn't take any pictures because I'm not really a picture person. Plus all the uploading is bothersome =.=
We went to The Pasta Shop there at the extension. We had the set lunch but everything looked so appetizing. We were caught between the soft shell, the seafood and erm something else. Lol. So obviously we had the first two and we shared half half. Both was good.
After much fighting I managed to foot the bill =)
Came back early for Chris cuz he had half day today.
I didn't take any pictures because I'm not really a picture person. Plus all the uploading is bothersome =.=
michi ]|[ 15:28
Thursday, August 14
Zzz it's so hot. I wish I was staying in cool places like Korea. I love their food, weather and culture.
I went out with Chris yesterday night. He wanted to work actually and also wanted me to put dating and spending time together on hold for a couple of years. Well he could do that but I couldn't. I sure can't find it in myself to do that.
Sigh anyway... We went to watch Journey to the Centre of the Earth. I'd read it before so wanted to watch. It was goooood (my kind of action movie) but it was kinda short. Just one and a half hours.
He'll be out late today =/ today and tomorrow he has half day off his army but he wants to earn big bucks for me so we can enjoy next time so he won't be spending time with me. Sigh guys and their career -.- I'd rather spend time with him than to go shopping everyday with tons of money. Money doesn't buy happiness u know..
But I guess I'm okay with him working all the time. As long as he doesn't go overboard I'm fine. I got to get used to being without him. And since working makes him happy then I guess I have to deal with it.
I went out with Chris yesterday night. He wanted to work actually and also wanted me to put dating and spending time together on hold for a couple of years. Well he could do that but I couldn't. I sure can't find it in myself to do that.
Sigh anyway... We went to watch Journey to the Centre of the Earth. I'd read it before so wanted to watch. It was goooood (my kind of action movie) but it was kinda short. Just one and a half hours.
He'll be out late today =/ today and tomorrow he has half day off his army but he wants to earn big bucks for me so we can enjoy next time so he won't be spending time with me. Sigh guys and their career -.- I'd rather spend time with him than to go shopping everyday with tons of money. Money doesn't buy happiness u know..
But I guess I'm okay with him working all the time. As long as he doesn't go overboard I'm fine. I got to get used to being without him. And since working makes him happy then I guess I have to deal with it.
michi ]|[ 17:24
Wednesday, August 13
Jon just left my place. He was meeting his girlfriend later in the early evening and he had time to kill.
We just played computer and chatted. And boy can he sing high!
He saw my previous post and wanted me to delete the second last paragraph because he was afraid Chris would see it. But he doesn't read my blog at all and plus I don't care =P
I was idling away and I suddenly read my previous posts, those that went back a year. And I wish I hadn't T.T they were full of my days as a devout mind-body-soul Christian. I was blogging like I'd found someone I was waiting for a century for. And like that someone turned out better than I'd expected by 100x.
I felt a pang in my heart and wondered how the hell I went from that to, well, this.
I miss Michael =( and I miss Isabelle and Catherine and Maggie and Weikeong and zzz....Dun wan say le T.T
We just played computer and chatted. And boy can he sing high!
He saw my previous post and wanted me to delete the second last paragraph because he was afraid Chris would see it. But he doesn't read my blog at all and plus I don't care =P
I was idling away and I suddenly read my previous posts, those that went back a year. And I wish I hadn't T.T they were full of my days as a devout mind-body-soul Christian. I was blogging like I'd found someone I was waiting for a century for. And like that someone turned out better than I'd expected by 100x.
I felt a pang in my heart and wondered how the hell I went from that to, well, this.
I miss Michael =( and I miss Isabelle and Catherine and Maggie and Weikeong and zzz....Dun wan say le T.T
michi ]|[ 17:44
Tuesday, August 12
I picked out a new blogskin. Because I adore Snoopy and I love how erm, vintage *in need of a better word* this is. I hope the post isn't hard to read because of the background.
I met one of my friends Jason from the company. He needed my help in something so we sat at Toast Box then went to walk around while waiting for Chris to meet us. Apparently Chris overslept for army so he took a day off. We went to CitiBank and met Cheryl there the Xiao Hai Bu Ben actress. I knew her personally cuz we worked together before. Plus she knew one of my friends, Shumei.
We talked then I asked if she'd heard from Shumei lately. Because she called me yesterday and GUESS WHAT.
Although I knew she was gonna be the first among us to get married, I didnt expect it to be so fast. Both Cheryl and I roared over it and I gave her Shumei's number and told her the date of her engagement party.
I don't know if I'm going lol..... *wipes tears from my eyes* (tears of laughter mind you, not because I'm touched) Shumei invited Chris too but I highly doubt he's going. When I told him the news, he got all relationship-y about marrying before knowing your partner well enough, which of course promptly killed my jovial mood for the rest of the evening.
Haha kk anyway I met up with Jonathan after lunch with Chris and Jason. I went to his place. I hadn't been there for so long. Everything looked the same. 'Cept Jon's room; more toys -.-
I'd brought my laptop along to play game but what a moment for the game to undergo maintenance -_-||
We still had other things to do like watch Olympics and we chatted about relationships for awhile. He gave me more practical advice about how to avoid quarrels. After that he taught me a few tactics of martial arts self defense. It was interesting learning about different ways on how to inflict pain on the other party (muahaha).
We left for dinner at 7pm and I went to rent my DVD to watch too. We walked around then sat down so he could download a song I wanted from my laptop. We chatted awhile more and then he left to meet his girlfriend.
It was weird spending time with him again. There was a gap there that I felt. I could still remember how things were between me and him a few years ago. While we were talking I was feeling down because again I wished that I could turn back time and get everything back the way it was, which was to me, the right way.
But after talking to him for awhile made me realise that he was happy, happier than before. It also made me see that there wasn't any point in wishing time could turn back and I would be in the past which I loved so much. Instead of doing that, I could just accept the way things are right now and make the best of it. Instead of making myself feel miserable I could just remember the past and live for the present.
I've always either been refusing to think of the past or wallowing in it for days with misery and regret.
I won't force myself to accept the big change that happened before my eyes. Forcing myself would make me even more miserable and resentful. I'm not big on accepting things that I don't like. But its funny how other people can be so positive while I always seem to be so negative.
He said one thing, no matter how long I've been having the bad habit of negativity, just remember that I have another 60 years to change a habit I've had for just 20 years. He was exaggerating about that 60 years bit but he made sense. I could change myself if I want to and choose how long I want to take to change.
Jon still knows me better than anyone. Even Chris. I'm just glad that we had the chance to meet again.
On a lighter note, who wants to go to Shumei's engagement party xD
I met one of my friends Jason from the company. He needed my help in something so we sat at Toast Box then went to walk around while waiting for Chris to meet us. Apparently Chris overslept for army so he took a day off. We went to CitiBank and met Cheryl there the Xiao Hai Bu Ben actress. I knew her personally cuz we worked together before. Plus she knew one of my friends, Shumei.
We talked then I asked if she'd heard from Shumei lately. Because she called me yesterday and GUESS WHAT.
Although I knew she was gonna be the first among us to get married, I didnt expect it to be so fast. Both Cheryl and I roared over it and I gave her Shumei's number and told her the date of her engagement party.
I don't know if I'm going lol..... *wipes tears from my eyes* (tears of laughter mind you, not because I'm touched) Shumei invited Chris too but I highly doubt he's going. When I told him the news, he got all relationship-y about marrying before knowing your partner well enough, which of course promptly killed my jovial mood for the rest of the evening.
Haha kk anyway I met up with Jonathan after lunch with Chris and Jason. I went to his place. I hadn't been there for so long. Everything looked the same. 'Cept Jon's room; more toys -.-
I'd brought my laptop along to play game but what a moment for the game to undergo maintenance -_-||
We still had other things to do like watch Olympics and we chatted about relationships for awhile. He gave me more practical advice about how to avoid quarrels. After that he taught me a few tactics of martial arts self defense. It was interesting learning about different ways on how to inflict pain on the other party (muahaha).
We left for dinner at 7pm and I went to rent my DVD to watch too. We walked around then sat down so he could download a song I wanted from my laptop. We chatted awhile more and then he left to meet his girlfriend.
It was weird spending time with him again. There was a gap there that I felt. I could still remember how things were between me and him a few years ago. While we were talking I was feeling down because again I wished that I could turn back time and get everything back the way it was, which was to me, the right way.
But after talking to him for awhile made me realise that he was happy, happier than before. It also made me see that there wasn't any point in wishing time could turn back and I would be in the past which I loved so much. Instead of doing that, I could just accept the way things are right now and make the best of it. Instead of making myself feel miserable I could just remember the past and live for the present.
I've always either been refusing to think of the past or wallowing in it for days with misery and regret.
I won't force myself to accept the big change that happened before my eyes. Forcing myself would make me even more miserable and resentful. I'm not big on accepting things that I don't like. But its funny how other people can be so positive while I always seem to be so negative.
He said one thing, no matter how long I've been having the bad habit of negativity, just remember that I have another 60 years to change a habit I've had for just 20 years. He was exaggerating about that 60 years bit but he made sense. I could change myself if I want to and choose how long I want to take to change.
Jon still knows me better than anyone. Even Chris. I'm just glad that we had the chance to meet again.
On a lighter note, who wants to go to Shumei's engagement party xD
michi ]|[ 22:01
Monday, August 11
Met up with Jonathan and the rest yesterday. Those who were there were Alicia his gf, Valerie one of his martial arts friend, Samuel, Sandra and Sebrina. All of them (those I know) have really changed a lot. All except me and Jonathan, who still looks pretty much the same.
But before meeting them I went to Kinokuniya for BREAKING DAWN!!! Yes its out. A couple of days ago. I just didn't buy it straight away. Hehe.
*Zzz Chris just called me ask me meet him at Yishun later. Waaaa.... So far T.T *
Anyway... When I saw him he hugged me.. It was well, both horrible and wonderful at the same time. Horrible because where did this few years go? What happened that we drifted so far it became so horribly painful? And wonderful because when I was hugging him I felt like God was telling me that here's my second chance at this friendship. Just because Jon hugged me means he still cares about. And this time don't leave it behind.
Okay enough with the emo.
He talked to me about relationship and he gave me some advice. He said that no unhappiness in relationships is impossible, but no quarrels in relationships are possible. Just gotta know how to handle situations. I knew nuts about it. Good thing I signed up for a Psychology course huh. Will make me a better person too.
Dinner was great. After that I had to rush off to meet Chris at B1. We were gonna watch Love Guru, the Mike Myers one. I thought it would suck but it turned out quite nice. Okay my taste in movies officially suck. Whatever movie I think is nice would suck (to me) and the movie Chris said is nice (and I thought sucked) turned out very nice. So don't watch movies with me. Well don't let me choose the movie at least xP
Not surprisingly Chris didn't have a clue who Mike Myers and Justin Timberlake was. He so rarely stopped to watch movies and listen to music. That was, before he met me xD
Saw Alissa and Maggie on the bus home.
I didnt take any pictures with Jon and the rest because I was rushing for the movie. I'm gonna try to arrange more meetups with him. Too much time is already lost lol. Oh well it's time for BREAKING DAWN!!!
See ya.
But before meeting them I went to Kinokuniya for BREAKING DAWN!!! Yes its out. A couple of days ago. I just didn't buy it straight away. Hehe.
*Zzz Chris just called me ask me meet him at Yishun later. Waaaa.... So far T.T *
Anyway... When I saw him he hugged me.. It was well, both horrible and wonderful at the same time. Horrible because where did this few years go? What happened that we drifted so far it became so horribly painful? And wonderful because when I was hugging him I felt like God was telling me that here's my second chance at this friendship. Just because Jon hugged me means he still cares about. And this time don't leave it behind.
Okay enough with the emo.
He talked to me about relationship and he gave me some advice. He said that no unhappiness in relationships is impossible, but no quarrels in relationships are possible. Just gotta know how to handle situations. I knew nuts about it. Good thing I signed up for a Psychology course huh. Will make me a better person too.
Dinner was great. After that I had to rush off to meet Chris at B1. We were gonna watch Love Guru, the Mike Myers one. I thought it would suck but it turned out quite nice. Okay my taste in movies officially suck. Whatever movie I think is nice would suck (to me) and the movie Chris said is nice (and I thought sucked) turned out very nice. So don't watch movies with me. Well don't let me choose the movie at least xP
Not surprisingly Chris didn't have a clue who Mike Myers and Justin Timberlake was. He so rarely stopped to watch movies and listen to music. That was, before he met me xD
Saw Alissa and Maggie on the bus home.
I didnt take any pictures with Jon and the rest because I was rushing for the movie. I'm gonna try to arrange more meetups with him. Too much time is already lost lol. Oh well it's time for BREAKING DAWN!!!
See ya.
michi ]|[ 13:00
Saturday, August 2
This is the first time I'm using the new HP computer. Chris has been checking and checking for any problems. Better safe than sorry since the last two machines have been proven faulty. And Cabal can't be played on this computer. I think its because of the compatibility issue :(
Later gonna check if Breaking Dawn is out yet. I'm afraid that its debut is in America, not Singapore. LOL. If it were true then it would take ages longer for the book and the first movie to come here.
Keep having nightmares. I had one of LOTRO. Michael's gonna get it for this one =.=
My dad's going overseas again. To Beijing and then to Thailand. I think he got some work to do at the Beijing Olympics, since his changed profession to the Singapore Youth Olympics. He's away most of the time, not much difference from when he was in army, but I guess he can come back more often.
They haven't moved out yet. I don't think they're even close to moving out. I can't wait to clear out my sister's junk so I can use the whole room for myself and Chris. It would be a really significant difference.
Later gonna check if Breaking Dawn is out yet. I'm afraid that its debut is in America, not Singapore. LOL. If it were true then it would take ages longer for the book and the first movie to come here.
Keep having nightmares. I had one of LOTRO. Michael's gonna get it for this one =.=
My dad's going overseas again. To Beijing and then to Thailand. I think he got some work to do at the Beijing Olympics, since his changed profession to the Singapore Youth Olympics. He's away most of the time, not much difference from when he was in army, but I guess he can come back more often.
They haven't moved out yet. I don't think they're even close to moving out. I can't wait to clear out my sister's junk so I can use the whole room for myself and Chris. It would be a really significant difference.
michi ]|[ 13:09
Friday, August 1
Its August 1st. One more day till Breaking Dawn comes out.
Chris suspects there's another problem with the computer again. So I can't use it till he solves the problem. I might just make it worse. I gave up on using my dad's computer because of its bad lag. There isn't a decent com cept my younger sis'. But well I wouldnt call it decent. The 'T' letter of the keyboard is missing, the 'ctrl' button is halfway out, and neither backspace or del is working. So I'm having a rather hard time typing here.
I'm officially starting school in September. Finally, huh.
I watched Money No Enough II on Wed night. Can't say I enjoyed it. First the movie began by making snide remarks about the Singapore govt about things like ERP, tax, parking, etc, etc. But the crux of the story is actually filial piety.
It shows how the 3 sons go from riches and rags, and end up not wanting to take care of their mom. It was heart-wrenching seeing their mother being abandoned like that. I cried buckets and buckets. How could someone treat their mom like that? It was really heartbreaking. I dislike seeing these kind of shows because their scenes usually haunt me for a long time.
Don't want to talk about that already >.<
Tonight's FOP! I just learned from Michael. I would go tonight but I woke up with a bad sore throat. I told Michael I'd go on Sunday because I didn't want history repeating itself. I had lost my voice during the first FOP I'd attended. It was torturous having to praise and worship with no voice.
I remember Isabelle praying for me before it started. I'd caused her many problems during the period that I lost my voice. I flared up ever so easily and poor Belle :( she took the brunt of it. If you can still remember that time, I'm sorry :(
Well I guess that's all for today.
Chris suspects there's another problem with the computer again. So I can't use it till he solves the problem. I might just make it worse. I gave up on using my dad's computer because of its bad lag. There isn't a decent com cept my younger sis'. But well I wouldnt call it decent. The 'T' letter of the keyboard is missing, the 'ctrl' button is halfway out, and neither backspace or del is working. So I'm having a rather hard time typing here.
I'm officially starting school in September. Finally, huh.
I watched Money No Enough II on Wed night. Can't say I enjoyed it. First the movie began by making snide remarks about the Singapore govt about things like ERP, tax, parking, etc, etc. But the crux of the story is actually filial piety.
It shows how the 3 sons go from riches and rags, and end up not wanting to take care of their mom. It was heart-wrenching seeing their mother being abandoned like that. I cried buckets and buckets. How could someone treat their mom like that? It was really heartbreaking. I dislike seeing these kind of shows because their scenes usually haunt me for a long time.
Don't want to talk about that already >.<
Tonight's FOP! I just learned from Michael. I would go tonight but I woke up with a bad sore throat. I told Michael I'd go on Sunday because I didn't want history repeating itself. I had lost my voice during the first FOP I'd attended. It was torturous having to praise and worship with no voice.
I remember Isabelle praying for me before it started. I'd caused her many problems during the period that I lost my voice. I flared up ever so easily and poor Belle :( she took the brunt of it. If you can still remember that time, I'm sorry :(
Well I guess that's all for today.
michi ]|[ 11:34